About Pilates

About Pilates

Pilates Teaser

Pilates Teaser

Joseph Pilates based much of his technique on what improved and strengthened his own body and that of his clients.

With the aid of MRI scans and sports science we now know that his guiding principles are medically sound. This is why many physios, doctors and osteopaths send their patients to Pilates teachers to encourage patients to take charge of their own bodies by participating in regular exercise.

So how do you find a good Pilates teacher?

Pilates is a very precise method and you need constant focus and correction from an experienced teacher to truly benefit. It is impossible to learn this technique in large classes.

I am a Body Control® Pilates teacher, we work to a code of practice which governs teaching standards, professional ethics and continuing education. To become a B.C.P.A. teacher you are required to study with an accredited teacher for a minimum of 6 months, do the B.C.P.A. teaching course, pass a 3 hour anatomy and theory paper, practical assessment and a minimum of 50 hours supervised teaching.

The Bridge

The Bridge

For more details contact:

Tel: 0207 636 8900

Another excellent training body for Pilates is the Pilates Foundation:

Tel: 0207 033 0078

Recommended Books

Pilates for Pregnancy – Lynne Robinson, Kyle Books

Teaching Exercise to Special Populations – Morc Coulson, Bloomsbury

The Pilates Bible – Lynne Robinson , Lisa Bradshaw & Nathan Gardner – Kyle Books

The Complete Classic Pilates Method – Miranda Bass -Pan Macmillan

Both of the above books, videos and DVDs can be ordered through the Body Control website

Pilates in Motion – Alycea Ungaro – Dorling Kindersley

Ultimate Pilates – Dreas Reyneke – Vermillion

Pilates Anatomy – Rael Isacowitz & Karen Clippinger – Human Kinetics

The Complete Book of Pilates for Men -Daniel Lyon jr –

Return to Life through contrology -Joseph H Pilates –www.pilatesmethodalliance.org